Thursday, May 29, 2008

On Gluttony, the Accepted Sin

Joe Carter wrote an interesting piece today at his blog on gluttony and how it has really become an accepted sin. I have been thinking a lot about this as of late. Perhaps my favorite food ever is a particular dish at the Outback called "Cheese Fries." The fries come covered thickly in cheese and bacon and, if that were not enough, there is also provided ranch "dipping sauce." They might as well hook you up to an IV filled with saturated fat. So I should not have been shocked when Men's Health ranked it the worst food in America (and that probably also means the worst food in the world). If you ate all of these fat soaked fries, you'd bring 2900 calories into your body. Amazing. I can't help but think that Joe is on to something when he writes,

"In stuffing my face, I neglect my spiritual life. I turn to the refrigerator instead of turning to prayer. I pause at the vending machine instead of pausing in meditation. I seek out a piece of bread instead of seeking the Bread of Life. I fill my life with food in order to avoid filling it with God."

Yesterday I had a small victory. When I was at Chicago Uno's yesterday I could have ordered the pepperoni pan pizza. But I quickly recalled that Men's Health ranked this the worst pizza in America. I ordered a salad instead. I'm not sure if I felt closer to God because of it, but perhaps I was.


Unknown said...

This post reminds me of a book a friend recently completed as a study, and recommended. It's called "Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate"
by Jerry Bridges.

I don't know anything about the author, but the material looks interesting, and challenging. Heard of him?