Thursday, January 31, 2008

CT's Most Redeeming Films of 2007

Every year the Christianity Today movie reviewing department puts out a best-of list called "The 10 Most Redeeming Movies." Here's the list for 2007. What's a "redeeming movie"? Here's their explanation:

"They're all stories of redemption—sometimes blatantly, sometimes less so. Several of them literally have a character that represents a redeemer; all of them have characters who experience redemption to some degree—some quite clearly, some more subtly. Some are 'feel-good' movies that leave a smile on your face; some are a bit more uncomfortable to watch. But the redemptive element is there in all of these films."

I'd love to hear from you if you've seen any of these movies and what you thought of them. Were they "redeeming"? The only ones I have seen (including the "Ones that Got Away" list), are Ratatouille, Rescue Dawn (which I highly recommend) and Spider-Man 3.


Unknown said...

I would HIGHLY recommend both "Into the Wild" and "Once". Both films are exceptionally written, acted, and top two films of 2007.

"Into the Wild" (which I'm assuming many of you have read), is a very real and honest portrayel of a young man's search for adventure, as an avenue to find meaning in his life. The one thing I think the CT blurb leaves out is that Chris does, indeed, have a revelation of sorts at the end of the movie, but it is tradgically, too late. A tear jerker movie that even the men will will enjoy. (bonus: Eddie Vedder soundtrack, which is great)

"Once" is a brilliant music indie film. The score is hauntingly beautiful and has stuck with me for weeks since viewing it. The film is so honest and real....develops a true connection between the leading man and woman. It's quirky, but in my book, one of the best pics of the year.